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Imada Force Gauge Attachments

We offer a complete range of grips and attachments designed for use with Imada force gauges. Film grips, wedge grips, vise grips and more. Please contact us if you don't see the grip needed for your testing application.
Small Pin Grip measures samples from 0-.126in / 3.2mm
For gripping small diameter wires, pins, filaments etc.
Thin Film Grip
Use these spring loades film grips to check tensile strength of thin film samples up to 2 mm thickness.
Small Chuck
Test wire, components, other pull tests.
Fine Point Grip
Grip for small wire, components in narrow spaces.
For gripping shafts and rods.
Grip shafts and rods.
Flat Chuck
Square serrated face, heavy-duty flat chuck.
Cam Grip
Cam structure allows to easily grip materials as rubber, films etc. up to 2mm thickness.
Peeling Attachment
To measure the peeling force of laminated materials or electronic components on circuit boards etc.
Vise Grip
Screw tightened vise is ideal for slip-free attachment to base of test stand.
Wire Terminal Grip
Multi terminal grip has 12 wire gauge apertures
Wire Terminal Grips
Wire Wrapping Grips
Wire Cam Grips
Connect force gauges and attachments with different thread sizes. Use them with a force gauge and a test stand to create a complete testing system.
Wedge Grip
For tensile measurements of thick materials
Button Puller
Capacity 30lbs
Penetrating Pin
Hook for Corrugated Cardboard Seal Strength
Capacity 50lbs (250 N, 25 kgf)
Wire Wedge Grip
Capacity 110 lbs (500 N, 50 kgf)
Pincer Wedge Grip
Capacity 110 lbs (500 N, 50 kgf)
90° Peel Table
Capacity 440 lbs (200 N, 20 kgf)
Self Centering Vice Grip
2 Capacities 110 lbs (500 N, 50 kgf) and 220 lbs (1000 N, 100 kgf)
Wire Terminal Grip
Capacity 110 lbs (500 N, 50 kgf)
Wire Terminal Grip
Capacity 1100 lbs (5000 N, 500 kgf)
Wire Fixture Table
Capacity 1100 lbs (5000 N, 500 kgf)
Complete range of grips and attachments designed for use with Imada force gauges. Film grips, wedge grips, vise grips and more.