For information on Check-Line products or services please use the form below to contact us.
Thanks for your inquiry, we will contact you within 1 business day.
ELECTROMATIC Equipment Co., Inc.
dba Checkline
175 Vincent Ave
Lynbrook, NY 11563
Tel: 800-645-4330 / 516-295-4300
Fax: 516-295-4399
Email: info@checkline.com
Web: www.checkline.com
Office Hours
Monday-Friday, 9am - 6pm Eastern Time
Netherlands Branch
Checkline Europe B.V.
Dennenweg 225B
7545 WE, Enschede
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-(0)53-4356060
Fax: +31-(0)53-4333570
Email: info@checkline.eu
Web: https://www.checkline.eu/
German Branch
Checkline Europe GmbH & Co. KG
Warschauerstr. 8
48455 Bad Bentheim
Tel: +49 05924 9999 690
Fax: +49 05924 9999 669
Email: info@checkline.de
Web: https://www.checkline.de/
UK Branch
Checkline Europe Ltd
Fort Dunlop
Fort Parkway
B24 9FE
Tel: +44 (0)121 2855222
Fax: +44 (0)121 2855444
Email: info@checkline-europe.co.uk
Web: https://www.checkline-europe.co.uk/