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Run Down Fixtures for Torque Testers

Run-down-fixtures or Joint Simulators are required for accurate torque measurement of power torque controlled tools (electric, hydraulic or pneumatic). They simulate real-world application conditions, allowing the power tool motor to ramp-up to freely rotate several times before building resistance to rotation. The resistance will increase until the torque that the tool's clutch is set at is achieved and the tool stalls or shuts off.
Required for accurate torque measurement for power-driven torque controled tools (electric, hydraulic or pneumatic)
Available in capacities up to 5000 Lb-ft / 6780 Nm
The run down adapter (RDA) is designed to provide consistent and reliable torque readings for use with power driven torque control tools.
Available in capacities up to 5000 Lb-ft / 6780 Nm
Spring Run Down Adapters
Available in capacities up to 150 lb-in / 1695 cNm
Auto Reversing Run Down
50 lb-in Capacity
The mini RDA unit with fastener is designed for low torque sensors. Engineered to provide consistent and reliable torque readings for use with low torque power tools. The mini run down adapter is mounted in-line between the tool drive and torque sensor.