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Dillon Force Gauges, X-Force, U-Force

The Heavy-Duty Dillon Mechanical Force Gauges, X-Force and U-Force can be used on a wide range of industrial measuring applications.
The Model U Force Gauge is an accurate (±1% of full range) mechanical compression measurement instrument. Its slim-line design has repeatedly proven valuable in installations where space is at a premium.
6 capacities ranging from 25 lb x .25 lb to 5,000 lb x 50 lb and 4 capacities ranging from 10 kg x .1 kg to 500 kg x 5 kg.
Mechanical Force Gauge with Hardened Ball. The load is applied against a hardened ball which rotates to maintain vertical alignment as pressure increases.
Available in capacities from 50 lb to 25,000 lb or 50 kg to 10,000 kg
±1% accuracy of full range
Tension Force Gauges in capacities 100 to 2,000 lb (25 to1,000 kg) are supplied with two rod-end connectors. 5,000 and 10,000 lb (5,000 kg) capacities are equipped with convenient shackles and pins.
Accuracy is ±1%