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X-004-0022 Standard Angle Beam Wedge, 5/8" x 5/8", 70 Degree - SW6270

SWS Standard Wedge Flaw
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Angle beam wedge for standard shear wave transducers.


Model Element Size Angle
X-004-0014 0.500" x 0.500" 45°
X-004-0015 0.500" x 0.500" 60°
X-004-0016 0.500" x 0.500" 70°
X-004-0017 0.500" x 1.00" 45°
X-004-0018 0.500" x 1.00" 60°
X-004-0019 0.500" x 1.00" 70°
X-004-0020* 0.625" x 0.625" 45°
X-004-0021* 0.625" x 0.625" 60°
X-004-0022* 0.625" x 0.625" 70°
* These wedges work with all 5/8" and 3/4" SS Transducers.
Note: An additional $10 will be charged to radius edges.
Angle Beam Wedges - Custom angles available on request

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Item Description Price
Standard Angle Beam Wedge, 5/8" x 5/8", 70 Degree - SW6270
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1 Week Lead Time (Estimated)
2-3 Week Lead Time (Estimated)
Lead Time Varies, Please contact us for availability.