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MTT-10-500-V Digital Thickness Gauge, 0-10mm for FLEECE with 500 mm Jaw Depth

Made in Germany
MTT-10 Textile / Leather Thickness Gauge
Click images to enlarge.
300 Series for 300mm Jaw Depth (12")
500 Series for 500mm Jaw Depth (20")

Measuring Range: 0 - 10 mm (0 - 0.400") or 0 - 25 mm (0 - 1.000")

Resolution: 0.01 mm (0.001")

The MTT-10 is a digital dial thickness gauge designed for the accurate thickness measurement of non-woven fabrics, textiles, felts, geomaterials, paper, floor coverings, leather, foils, etc. It is offered with two different jaw depths providing clearance to measure wide samples. The combination of feeler diameter and load weight generates a specific pressure as required by many standardized test standards necessary in order to get reliable and repeatable measurements such as fabric, felt, textiles, and similar compressible materials.

The feeler shape and the pressure are corresponding to DIN EN ISO standards, however, this low-cost thickness gauge is suitable for quick comparison measurements and does not strictly conform to the standard.


Type Standard Application Feeler Ø Feeler
shape cm²
T similar to DIN EN ISO 5084 Textiles and Non-woven textiles 50.42 20 1 kPA
V similar to DIN EN ISO 9073-2 Standard fleece 56.42 25 0.5 kPA
L similar to DIN EN ISO 2589 / 53326 Leather 10 0.785 50 kPA
G similar to ASTM D 5199 GeoMaterials 56.42 25 2 kPA


Measuring Range0 - 10 mm (standard) or 0 - 25 mm (optional)
Resolution0.01 mm
Accuracy± 0.02 mm
Depth of Jaws300 mm (300 Series)
500 mm (500 Series)
DisplayLCD 4 Digit, 8 mm tall
PressureRefer to table below (gauge, feeler, weight)
Feeler shape50.5 mm Ø = 20 cm²
56.42 mm Ø = 25 cm²


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Item Description Price
Digital Thickness Gauge, 0-10mm for FLEECE with 500 mm Jaw Depth
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2-3 Week Lead Time (Estimated)
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