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DPM-FAQ Dew Point Meter FAQ

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Q. Are there different models of PT-DPM to choose from?
A. No. There is only one but there are a number of optional accessories to enhance the functionality of the PT-DPM.
    Optional accessories available:
  • Magnetic Surface Temperature Probe Kit – allows the instrument and a surface temperature probe to be conveniently attached onto steel structures for hands free recording – comes complete with interchangeable lower sensor unit, magnetic surface temperature probe, additional rubber holster with magnetic clip to attach the gage body onto steel structures, PosiSoft software with USB cable and Certificate of Calibration
    • Additional Probes – for use with Magnetic Surface Temperature Kit only
      • Hand-held Surface Temperature Probe– for spot checking hard-to-reach surfaces
      • Self-adhering Surface Temperature Probe – sticks to solid materials including aluminum, wood, concrete, etc. Ideal for unattended recording.
      • Liquid Temperature Probe – general purpose probe with stainless steel shaft
  • PosiSoft Software/USB cable accessory – downloads stored readings to a PC
  • IR Printer – battery operated printer receives data from meter via wireless infrared
  • AC Power Cable – provides continuous power using any AC wall outlet
Q. Why choose the PT-DPMover other digital offerings?

A. The PT-DPM has many advantages...

  • The New ergonomic design includes Flip Display, built-in USB port and tough Lexan display.
  • The PT-DPM can be converted to accept a variety of popular K-type thermocouple probes including magnetic surface temperature probes, hand-held and liquid temperature probes. The PT-DPMcan also accept all standard K-type probes from a variety of manufacturers, making the PT-DPM the most versatile tool on the market.
  • Each PT-DPMcan store 2,500 datasets in 100 batches. Stored readings can be viewed individually on the LCD, viewed graphically for quick trend analysis on-site, or downloaded to a PC. Some manufacturers instruments require additional equipment to store readings into memory.
  • Each individual stored dataset, containing all 5 values (%RH, Ta, Ts, Td and Delta) can be viewed on the large, easy-to-read graphics LCD, not just the averages. This feature is important for evaluating climatic trends especially in Data Logger Mode.
  • Shock-absorbing, protective rubber holster with belt clip and wrist strap
  • Certificate of Calibration traceable to NIST included free
  • Our award winning customer service and repair departments
  • Quality American made
Q. Can the PT-DPM store or print data?
A. Yes. Each PT-DPM has an internal memory of 2,500 datasets in up to a 100 batches which can be viewed on the LCD, printed to an IR wireless printer (option) or downloaded to a PC using PosiSoft software (option).
Q. How is the PT-DPMcalibrated?
A. The PT-DPM is calibrated against known conditions using NIST traceable equipment. A Certificate of Calibration containing actual measurements is included with every gage.
Q. What is a smart trend indicator?
A. Smart Trend Indicators identify rising, falling or stable readings. The PT-DPM compares each measurement with the average of recent values in an attempt to provide the current direction of substantial changes. The absence of an arrow can be taken to mean that the particular parameter is undergoing little or no change.
Q. Why does the PT-DPM Magnetic Surface Temperature Probe Kit contain a magnetism warning?
A. The Magnetic Surface Temperature Probe Kit contains 2 very powerful magnets to ensure that the instrument and sensor remain in place when attached to a steel surface. As with all magnets, avoid contact with electronic instruments or devices sensitive to magnetic fields such as pace makers and coating thickness gages. Care should also be given to the storing and shipping of any strong magnet to prevent contact with sensitive devices .
Q. Why buy the PT-DPM instead of a sling psychrometer, surface thermometer and weather tables?

A. The PT-DPMis...

  • Faster – while these devices take several minutes each to stabilize per measurement, the PT-DPM displays all 5 values in mere seconds.
  • Simpler – no need for...
    • counting revolutions per second in a timed interval using de-ionized water
    • using a slide-rule calculator
    • waiting minutes for a surface thermometer to stabilize
    • reading analog scales
    • looking up values in a cross reference table
  • Easier – one handed design with a large LCD
  • More Accurate – tighter tolerances on all values. Values are no longer subject to operator interpretation. Be aware that some temperature gages DO NOT meet the accuracy requirement specified by ISO 8502-4.
  • Versatile – unlike a sling psychrometer, the PT-DPM works well in cold environments. The handy Internal Memory and Data Logger Mode make record keeping easy. An optional magnetic surface temperature kit allows the gage and a surface temperature probe to be conveniently attached onto steel structures for hands free recording.
Q. Why is it important to calculate the dew point temperature?
A. The dew point temperature is a function of air temperature and the relative humidity. It is the temperature at which a volume of air must be cooled in order to reach saturation. It is important to calculate the dew point temperature in order to know when conditions are suitable for painting.
Q. Why is it important to calculate the difference between surface and dew point temperatures?
A. According to ISO 8502-4, the surface temperature should be at least 3° C (5° F) above the dew point. By knowing the surface and dew point temperature, it can be established whether or not conditions will be suitable for painting.

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