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ESM301 and ESM301L Motorized force test standsNow available with Preload, Load Holding, & Break Detection

The ESM301 and extended length ESM301L are highly configurable motorized test stands for tension and compression testing applications up to 300 lbF (1.5 kN) for laboratory and production environments.

The stands can perform a wide range of tests, including break testing, cycling, limit testing to a load or distance, load holding, elongation testing, tensile testing, compression testing, and more. Satisfy various test methods through an easy-to-use menu, allowing the configuration of test speed, force and distance limits, cycling, preload, and many other functions. The stands can be controlled via its console or PC.

Functions are offered individually through a unique "build-your-own" configuration platform. Order any combination of functions to customize the stand to specific requirements. Functions not ordered originally can be activated in the field.

A password can be set to protect against unauthorized changes. Modular mechanical design allows the test frame and controller to be separated for various mounting configurations.

The ESM301 travel distance is 11.5", while the extended length ESM301L features travel distance of 18". All other specifications are the same.


  • LCD display with UP, DOWN, STOP and emergency stop buttons and soft keys
  • Selectable speed units of measurement (in/min & mm/min)
  • Password protection of test parameters, to prevent unauthorized changes
  • Integrated travel limit switches
  • Removable fixture mounting plate with matrix of threaded holes
  • Stepper motor-driven, produces 0% speed variation load
  • Mounting holes for bench mounting
  • Unique mechanical design significantly reduces column blending

Hardware Options/Accessories

A wide range of force gauges and gripping fixtures

Multi-function cables, gauge to controller (09-1162)

Connects Series 7, 5 and Series 4 force gauges to the controller. This single cable is used to transmit set points, overload signals, and force data.

Serial cable, controller to PC (09-1056) Sends force and travel data on a single cable via RS-232 to a PC.

RS-232 to USB adapter (RSU100)

Bench mounting kit (ESM301-003) Consists of a set of mounting adapters, and four sets of hardware with Allen key to accommodate surfaces of various thickness. Recommended when ordering column extensions.

Column extensions (ESM301-002-1, -2, -3) A spacer is supplied between the base and the column, increasing clearance between the force gauge and base (does not increase travel distance). Available in 6" (150 mm), 12" (300 mm), and 24" (610 mm), and custom lengths. Bench mounting kit is recommended.

Frame-Controller connection cables (09-1137, -1, -2, -3) Permit the removal of test frame from controller for alternative mounting configurations.

Competitor force gauge mounting kits

Eye End Adapters Allow for quick grip installation and removal, and prevent grip rotation. Mount to common test frames, load cells, and force gauges

Optional Controller Features

Feature Part No. Description Requirements
Travel indication ESM301-001
Travel is indicated on the front panel, and an RS-232 port is supplied. Position indication is provided via an internal linear scale, producing significantly higher accuracy than with conventional rotary encoder-based designs. Backlash and nonlinearity are virtually eliminated. • Order upfront, not field installable
Computer control EF010 A bi-directional RS-232 port is provided to interface with a PC. Users can write a custom program utilizing a library of ASCII commands or control the stand via a PC using legacy Nexygen TCD software (not available from Checkline). • Series 5 or 7 force gauge
• 09-1056 serial cable
• 09-1162 cable
• ESM301(L)-001 integrated travel indication
• EF011 programmable travel set points
Programmable travel limits EF011 The ESM301 can stop at or cycle between programmable upper and lower travel distances. • ESM301-001 or ESM301L-001 travel indication option
Overload protection EF012 Protects a force gauge against overload. Program the desired percentage of full scale of the gauge. Adjustable analog output voltage setting allows the ESM301 to interface with virtually any gauge with analog output. • Series 7, 5 or 4 force gauge
• 09-1162 serial cable
Auto Return EF013 The crosshead moves to a limit switch, force set point, travel position, or break, then stops and reverses direction at full speed to the other limit. • Reversing at force set point: Series 7, 5 or 4 force gauge and 09-1162 cable
• Reversing at travel limit: EF011 programmable travel limits option
• Reversing at break: EF019 break detection option and 09-1162 cable
Cycling / dwell time EF014 Same as auto-return, but with the ability to program up to 100,000 cycles. Programmable dwell time for upper and lower limits (set independently) can be set up for up to 10,000 seconds. • Same as auto-return. Requires EF016 for independent up and down speeds.
Independent Up and Down Speeds EF016 Configurable speeds for up and down directions. -
Low Speed Extension EF017 Extends the speed range to 0.02 - 13 in/min (0.5 - 330 mm/min). -
High Speed Extension EF018 Extends the speed range to 0.5 - 45 in/min (13 - 1100 mm/min). -
Break Detection¹ EF019 Crosshead stops at a sudden drop in force. Programmable percentage of peak force. • Series 7 or 5 force gauge²
• 09-1162 cable
Load Holding¹ EF020 Dynamically adjusts the crosshead position to maintain a programmed load for an indefinite or specified period of time. • Series 7 or 5 force gauge²
• 09-1162 cable
• If a specified time is required, order EF014 cycling option
Preload / Sample Touch EF021 Stops the crosshead and/or zeroes the travel display at an initial preload - useful in tensile, compression, spring, elongation, and other applications. Preload is programmable as a percentage of force gauge full scale. Three modes: (1) stop, (2) stop and zero, and (3) zero without stopping. • ESM301-001 or ESM301L-001 travel indication option
• Series 7 or 5 force gauge
• 09-1162 cable
Complete Options Package Includes all Controller Features listed above

1. If enabling a feature in the field, ensure the test stand firmware version number is 2.0 or later. Firmware update may be done at the factory.
2. If using an older force gauge, ensure the firmware version number is 1.7 or later. Firmware update may be done at the factory.

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- High-speed 7,000 Hz peak sampling rate
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CapacityUp to 24 in/mm: 300 lbF / 1.5 kN
> 24 in/mm: 200 lbF / 1 kN
Standard Speed Range13 - 330 mm/min (0.6 - 13 in/min)
Maximum TravelESM301 11.5 in (292 mm)
ESM301L 18 in (457 mm)
Speed Setting Accuracy±0.2%
Speed Variation with load±0% (Stepper motor driven)
Limit switch repeatability0.001 in (0.03 mm)
PowerUniversal input 80-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Operating Temperature Range40 - 100°F, max. 96% humidity, non-condensating
Weight (without options)14.5 kg (32 lbs)
Included accessoriesExt. rod, small hook, medium hook, #10-32 coupler, compression plate, gauge mounting hardware, tool kit
*NoteOptional Distance Meter Max Sampling Rate Output - 50 Samples Per Second via RS232


Buy Now

Item Description Price
Column extension, 6"
Column extension, 12"
Column extension, 24"
Bench mounting kit
Multi-function cable, Series 4 or 5 gauge to ESM301
Serial cable, ESM301 to PC
Integrated travel indication with RS-232 output for ESM301
Integrated travel indication with RS-232 output for ESM301L
Computer control via RS-232
Programmable travel set points
Integrated overload protection
Auto return
Cycling / dwell time
Independent up and down speeds
Extended speed range, low
Extended speed range, high
Break detection (Requires WTT-ESM-ADV)
Load holding
Preload / sample touch
Complete options package for ESM301 also includes Travel Indicator option ESM301-001
Complete options package for ESM301L also includes Travel Indicator option ESM301L-001
In stock
1 Week Lead Time (Estimated)
2-3 Week Lead Time (Estimated)
Lead Time Varies, Please contact us for availability.

* If force data output is required, both the 09-1162 and 09-1056 cables are required. Also requires a Series 5 or Series 4 force gauge.

**Factory installation only. Can be retrofitted at a later date at the factory for $950.00 / $1,150.00 (ESM301 / ESM301L).

***Requires a Series 5 force gauge (more info), 09-1056 serial cable, 09-1162 multi-function cable, ESM301(L)-001 integrated travel indication, and EF011 programmable travel set points.

****Requires ESM301(L)-001 integrated travel indication option.

The ESM301 is supplied with a small hook, medium hook, 2" diameter compression plate, extension rod, and #10-32 coupler.